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How can you donate to the PTA?

Amazon Smile

Go to and search for 

Madeley Ranch Elementary PTA.  


This will give a percentage of your purchases back to

our school simply by going to

instead of when you shop. 


Check your phone and make sure you select AmazonSmile so a percentage of your purchases go towards supporting our PTA!

At the Grocery Shop
Dollar Bill in Jar
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Monetary Donations can be made thru our PayPal account.


We do accept Gift Card donations also. In the event you would like to donate one please place in a sealed envelope labeled MRE PTA.

Clothing Donations


Go to

 & request a bag.

 Once you receive your bag, simply put your clothing in the bag, give it to your mail carrier and you can earn money for our school.  

Schools is an online resale shop that donates 40% of the proceed back to the school. 

We also have a clothing donation bin in our parking lot. 

Donation Boxes

Direct Donations
We are a 501 c3 and can provide you with the paperwork

upon request.You can donate directly to our school through the PTA at any time. You can drop off a check or mail one in if your prefer. 

Madeley Ranch PTA along with a short note including 

your name, address, telephone number,

 email address and mail to:



3500 Madeley Ranch Road

Montgomery, Texas 77356

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